Build your drop page

Now that you’ve deployed your contract and set your mint schedule and pricing, it’s time to create your drop page and bring your drop to life!

Click the Drop page section on the left side of the page to add images, videos, and text copy to the drop page.

Make sure to use the Save draft button at the bottom of the page, as edits won't autosave.

The banner image is the first thing people see when visiting your landing page. It can either be an image or a short, looping video without sound.

To add your banner, click Edit image on your Drop page and choose your desired file. Make sure to click the mobile icon to add a banner image that renders properly on mobile devices.

The Banner Logo is used as the profile image on your Drop landing page.

Mint tab

In your About this collection section, click Edit to tell the story of your collection and project in detail. Use this section to share your project’s vision, purpose, inception, and anything else you’d like to share with potential collectors.

You can also upload images to give collectors a preview of your collection. These will display as a carousel so users can get a sense of the items available to mint. Click Add preview images to get started.

To build out your drop page, you can add additional media sections with more images, videos, and descriptions of your drop. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Add media.

Manage tab

Click Manage tabs on the right side of the page to add up to three additional sections to your Drop Page: Roadmap, Team, and FAQ.

In each of these tabs, you can always click the Edit button to edit a section or delete it entirely. Make sure to click Done after making any edits, and Save draft at the bottom of the page.

Roadmap tab

Many projects have long-term visions, and this drop is only one piece of that plan. Here, you can tell the full story of your collection and project. Click Add to start adding events to your project roadmap

Team tab

In this section, you can share more information about the people who made this collection and project a reality.

You can provide a picture or PFP, name, title (the role they play in your project), and a brief bio for each individual. Click Add to start adding team members.

FAQ tab

Potential collectors may have questions before or after minting. In this section, you can provide the answers.

Click Add to get started. Questions and answers should be short and straightforward.

Here are some common questions it might be helpful to include:

  1. Where can I learn more about the project?

  2. What is the mint price?

  3. What is the utility?

  4. Are any items reserved for the team?

Last updated